
my values which are relatively aligned with


1. personal effectiveness - doing right: working on cannery, volunteering, hosting services - doing wrong: not shooting, airsofting and hiking as much as i'd like, not doing sar 2. preparation - doing right: firearms and camping gear, high quality minimum set - doing wrong: no long term off grid house 3. personal calm/peace - doing right: reducing social media usage - doing wrong: not meditating regularly 4. radical independence - doing right: lots of savings - doing wrong: no house, no personal income stream 5. connection to nature - doing right: moved to natural area i like - doing wrong: not hiking as much as i'd like, not meditating regularly in nature 6. discipline - doing right: sticking to a routine, focusing on my processes - doing wrong: not working out, doing letting up chores pile up till the weekend 7. physical fitness - doing right: maintaining good health - doing wrong: not working out as much as i'd like 8. ambition - doing right: continually focusing on career - doing wrong: got comfortable in job, not working on side projects enough 9. archiving (preparation for future) - doing right: archiving files on server, hosting them - doing wrong: not curating physical stuff and media better 10. contributing to community - doing right: contributing to local orgs - doing wrong: not maintaining deeper bonds with other members

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